編號 品名:四季風情,香氛空間組/玫瑰 成份:香精油、水酒精、玻璃瓶、花梗 用途:室內芳香 容量:100ml 使用方式:首先將香水的量倒入玻璃瓶中,再將花梗插入瓶中,讓香水吸附在花梗上,香氛自然會擴散至室內的各個角茖。 保存方式:香水置於乾燥陰涼處,避免陽光直接照射。 注意事項:香水乃酒精及香精油的混合物。所以,請勿將香水靠近火源,放置於幼童無法取及的地方,以避免幼童誤食。 製造:法國 ESTEBAN 進口商:香芝有限公司 電話:07-7351588 地址:台灣高雄縣鳥松鄉大同路23號 網址:http://www.shinzi.com.tw |
揮發香精油種類: 水蜜桃、檸檬、肉桂+蘋果香、咖啡、橙花、紫羅蘭、夜來香、璀璨、三宅一生、真愛、CK ONE、歡沁百合、香奈兒、牡丹、毒藥、海馬、沙丘、冷泉
柏格香薰精油系列40餘種香味: 玫瑰、綠茶、薰衣草、尤加利、茉莉、檸檬香茅、白麝香、野薑花、玉蘭花、香水百合 ... 等 |
Reed diffuser is an easy effective and safe way to diffuse continuous fragrance throughout your environment. No smoke, drippy wax or the anxiety of burning candles
What to do: open the bottle of fragrant oil and discard the cap inside. Slip the decorative sleeve over the neck of the decorative sleeve over the neck of the bottle and insert the willow reeds. Fragrance blooms with in 48 hours
How it works: the aromatic oils are absorbed up through the slender willow reeds and released naturally, enhancing every moment of ever day with splendid fragrance that lasts up to four months(depending on your surroundings.)
Where to use: Enhance the decor of any space you like. Reed Diffuser is great for those “no candle zones” such as offices, dorm rooms and homes with young children common cautions
Handle with care. When handling your Reed Diffuser, please grasp by the bottle, not by the neck.
Avoid contact of oil and reeds on skin, eyes, wood surfaces and fabrics. Oil may cause staining.
Keep out of reach of Children, Avoid excessive heat or open flames. |
★ 藤枝芬芳系列 免點火 免插電 環保薰香 處處留香 |
香芝有限公司 International SHEEN-ZI
No.23, Datong Rd., Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County 833, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL : 886-7-7351588 FAX : 886-7-7338677
信箱 : sheen.zi@msa.hinet.net
中文網址 : http://www.shinzi.com.tw
英文網址 : http://www.sheenzi.com